Catholic Life

We work together in a mutually supportive, nurturing way, where all learn and have fun, creating memories and achieving well. Our RE curriculum ensures that all of our children appreciate their unique talents, providing plenty of opportunities for them to share and grow as they experience a wide range of liturgical experiences.

Gospel Values

As a Catholic school our community is founded on Gospel Values. We take care of each other and treat all with respect. Kindness is key to everything we do.

  • We work hard.
  • We are kind.
  • We show respect to everyone.

We actively encourage our children to live out these values every day, at home, at school and in the community.

Diocesan Themes

Catholic Life in Action

Prayer and collective worship are central to our Catholic life. We provide opportunities for children’s spiritual growth and development through participation in a variety of forms of worship and prayer.

Our School

Lent Reconciliation

The key events of the liturgical year are celebrated in many forms such as whole school Masses, Christmas Carol Services, Nativity performances, Lenten Liturgies, feast day celebrations, reconciliation, First Holy Communion and the Rosary.

Advent Mass

Month of The Rosary

Father John at New Year Mass

New Year Mass

Father Liam

Our parish priests, Fr. John Martin and Fr. Liam Carpenter, are regular visitors to our school.

Prayer Jars


Mary and the Rosary

We are also incredibly lucky to have the support of Our Lady of Lourdes Trust Chaplaincy team. They will visit weekly and hold retreats with individual year groups, and prepare class liturgies. Their aims are to encourage children to encounter God’s personal love for them, discover and grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ as his disciples through Discipleship and to be open to the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit in their lives so that, in accordance with their age, they will be helped to reach out to others with God’s love. This can be expressed in many ways, including care and practical service, especially to the poor and those most in need (Missionary Discipleship).

Joe the Chaplain

Trust Worship

As part of this Missionary Discipleship we encourage our children to show love and mercy for those less fortunate – for example our Harvest festival Mass, where we support Emmanuel House and The Frairy, and our fund raising work with CAFOD to name just a couple.

Harvest Liturgy

CAFOD Assembly